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Mart O 7:06 Sat Sep 9
Re: Sullivan Speaks Finally
I think that claiming that anyone who has a different opinion to you is whining/childish because the didn't get what they want is just as pointless and abusive as using the word 'cunt' myself.

I think it's pretty clear that our owners don't have the best interests of the club at heart and that we're disadvantaged as a result. The constant spin just adds insult to injury.

riosleftsock 7:00 Sat Sep 9
Re: Sullivan Speaks Finally
Agents pervade every area of transfers. The idea that club chairmen just deal with each other is nonsense.

Both buying and selling clubs use agents as does the player. If Sullivan made a direct offer to SL without copying in the agent it would probably be invalid nowadays.

I imagine the player's agent instigated all of this and spoke to west ham about wage, signing on fee and bonuses as well as is own cut and gave west ham an indication as to what price they could get him for.

SL played poker, nobody really won, well maybe SL have had a result. Time will tell by how much he goes for in January.

Alex V 6:57 Sat Sep 9
Re: Sullivan Speaks Finally
Mart O 6:31 Sat Sep 9

More pointless abuse. If you think someone is a cunt for having a different opinion to you, you need to grow up a bit. Isn't that fair to say?

Alex V 6:55 Sat Sep 9
Re: Sullivan Speaks Finally
Johnson 6:36 Sat Sep 9

I didn't say anything about the 11th. Clearly the Silva transfer was completed at the very last moment on the 31st - as we know Leicester missed one of the deadlines to ratify the deal.

It could be that it's not that relevant I agree. But certainly if it is relevant, it suggests that Sporting might have been negotiating things very late in the window. Maybe it looked like Silva wouldn't go through, and that caused a rethink about Carvalho? I don't know, but I don't see how it gives support to the claim that Sullivan is lying at all.

Alex V 6:50 Sat Sep 9
Re: Sullivan Speaks Finally
>>> Unless of course it was an illegal aporoach to an agent or intermediary and not to SL?

But that's still a bit odd. We did want the player because we made an illegal approach, but didn't want him because we didn't make a bid? To me that doesn't ring true.

Johnson 6:36 Sat Sep 9
Re: Sullivan Speaks Finally
We know Leicester made a bid on the 11th and they waited until the last minute to reply?

No we don't, Alex.

Johnson 6:35 Sat Sep 9
Re: Sullivan Speaks Finally

Mart O 6:31 Sat Sep 9
Re: Sullivan Speaks Finally
'simply wanting something to be the case does not prove it so'

Sums up just about every post you've made on this topic, V.

Obtuse nonsense - it's the new 'grown up'.


13 Brentford Rd 6:31 Sat Sep 9
Re: Sullivan Speaks Finally
Unless of course it was an illegal aporoach to an agent or intermediary and not to SL?

Alex V 6:22 Sat Sep 9
Re: Sullivan Speaks Finally
One of the pecularities of Sporting's position on this is that they want to deny that bids were made yet and insinuate we never really wanted the player, yet want to report us for an illegal approach? Doesn't quite make sense, does it?

Takashi Miike 6:15 Sat Sep 9
Re: Sullivan Speaks Finally
please fuck off with this 'witch hunt' shit

Alex V 6:04 Sat Sep 9
Re: Sullivan Speaks Finally
>>> Sullivan claimed SCP came back late doors accepting our bid.

They haven't directly denied this, to my knowledge.

>>> SCP claim no such bid was made and call Sullivan a liar

Yes, but I think that is pretty clear to see through. They can deny a bid because it wasn't through official channels - it's very standard and something we've done many times in the past. That to me is very clearly Sporting spin.

>>> Sullivan gives Sky the emails to "prove his point" but it doesn't show who he emailed.

To me that's irrelevant. Maybe it was some rep or an intermediate agent. You don't publicly reveal people's email addresses. Are we really insinuating the emails are made-up because Sullivan couldn't be bothered to put the right email address on them? That is a pretty extreme explanation imo.

>>> SCP continue to call him a liar and have gone to FIFA.

I think they're talking about an illegal approach - we have absolutely no info about that. Might well be true - most enquiries for players can be interpreted as illegal approaches these days. West Ham and every other club do it I think. In this case I think it's very probable this could be described as an 'idle threat'.

>>> Now, it is quite simple why people are suggesting SCP did no such thing on transfer deadline day particularly as they were doing a deal with Leicester at the exact same time.

To me this doesn't quite make sense. Doesn't it make it more likely they'd do this rather than less, if we know they did it with Leicester?

>>> Surely you've seeing enough lying from our board to start to doubt their version of events.

There are elements I do doubt, yes. But I think there are elements of this that are simply a witch-hunt against Sullivan, ie many on here simply want what Sullivan has said to be an outright lie, but simply wanting something to be the case does not prove it so.

13 Brentford Rd 5:59 Sat Sep 9
Re: Sullivan Speaks Finally
Also between Billic mouthing off in public and dropping Obiang unfairly and the idiot board they have probably pissed off the only DM on the books. Clearly didn't learn their lesson with Sakho.
Has Billic now fallen out with Obiang too?

Johnson 5:49 Sat Sep 9
Re: Sullivan Speaks Finally
Alex, I believe it went like this:

Sullivan claimed SCP came back late doors accepting our bid.

SCP claim no such bid was made and call Sullivan a liar

Sullivan gives Sky the emails to "prove his point" but it doesn't show who he emailed.

SCP continue to call him a liar and have gone to FIFA.

Now, it is quite simple why people are suggesting SCP did no such thing on transfer deadline day particularly as they were doing a deal with Leicester at the exact same time.

Surely you've seeing enough lying from our board to start to doubt their version of events.

cornish 5:49 Sat Sep 9
Re: Sullivan Speaks Finally
I'm a dimwit am I mmmmm.

13 Brentford Rd 5:48 Sat Sep 9
Re: Sullivan Speaks Finally
Why would CL accept our bid knowing there wasn't time to do the deal? If they did how hard did Sullivan try to get it done bearing in mind he was on holiday in Spain?
Either way it reflects badly on the spivs.
They weren't prepared to spend more than €25m not even pounds for a class player who was willing to come in a position they had apparently been looking to fill for 2 years when his release fee was €39m.

Johnson 5:45 Sat Sep 9
Re: Sullivan Speaks Finally
The liar Sullivan is not West Ham United so not sure what your point is Cornish.

People need to grow up and stop acting like an offended child when people rightly call our cunt chairman out for what he is.

Alex V 5:45 Sat Sep 9
Re: Sullivan Speaks Finally
>>> Seems quite unlikely to me. What makes anybody believe they did? Other than a suspicion?

Well in this case West Ham have said that they did. I've not seen that been proven false. I actually have no reason to dispute it.

>>> Easy to act the cunt and post utter fucking shit all day long.

By expressing an opinion you disagree with? Pitiful way to debate a topic. Grow up.

Mart O 5:43 Sat Sep 9
Re: Sullivan Speaks Finally
We're not talking about the team, cornish, you dimwit. We're talking about the owners.

cornish 5:41 Sat Sep 9
Re: Sullivan Speaks Finally
Mart O why do you want to believe anybody but your own side,have you ever heard of loyalty?If you want to have ago at your own side all a time go and support some other team.

Sir Alf 5:40 Sat Sep 9
Re: Sullivan Speaks Finally
Would be wonderful to see a progressive manager appointed but doubt that would happen especially if the manager appointed had his own mind. Watching Watford and been impressed with the intensity of their play and their organisation. They are totally outplaying Southampton.

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